Tuesday, April 08, 2008

First Day in Friborg

Wow..are my arms tired.  So we are here and just getting used to the timezone.  It is really pretty, alot like Colorado.  Will be heading into the Alps tonight for a team function, will post more pics soon.  Bookmark this page if you haven't already.
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ann said...

So excited to hear from you and see pictures!! Enjoy every minute and can't wait to hear it all from YOU. Much love, Mom

Unknown said...

Hey Tony! Looks like you are getting to see Friborg and your picturs take me back to the times I've been in Europe. Isn't it strange to go to a city so old?

I was hoping for more Tony commentary. Do write some if you get the chance. Hope you are having fun and not too too busy. Hope the trip on to India is easy.

(You were right about posting comments... Thanks.)
Love you!

Unknown said...

Are U in India? Hope you enjoy the time there. Friborg looks a bit rainy... Maybe India will be bright & sunny. (Have you seen the weather in CO?...shivers)

Send pics! Write commentary! I'm dying to know what your impressions are.
Love you!